
Add a new Access Key to the Management Platform

Written by Ines

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Add a new Access Key within the Management Platform 


-AccessKeyName <string> -AccessKeyDescription <string> [-ParentId <guid>] [-Force] [-Disabled] [-AllowAutoAdd] [-DefaultDeviceFolderId <guid>] [-DefaultDeviceFolderName <string>] [-ForceDeviceFolder][-EnableMoveDeviceOnAuth] [-EnableMoveDeviceOnInstall] [-EnableLegacyAuth] [-LegacyAuthUsername <string>] [-LegacyAuthPassword <string>] [-RegistrationKeyCreatesNewDevice] [-UseMACWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-UseSIDWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-VerifyDeviceIdWithMAC] [-VerifyDeviceIdWithSID] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>] [<CommonParameters>], 

-AccessKeyName <string> -AccessKeyDescription <string> -ParentFolder <Folder> [-ParentId <guid>] [-Disabled] [-AllowAutoAdd] [-DefaultDeviceFolderId <guid>] [-DefaultDeviceFolderName <string>] [-ForceDeviceFolder] [-EnableMoveDeviceOnAuth] [-EnableMoveDeviceOnInstall] [-EnableLegacyAuth] [-LegacyAuthUsername <string>] [-LegacyAuthPassword <string>] [-RegistrationKeyCreatesNewDevice] [-UseMACWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-UseSIDWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-VerifyDeviceIdWithMAC][-VerifyDeviceIdWithSID] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>] [<CommonParameters>]}




Adds a new Access Key to the Management Platform. You can specify a fully qualified path to the new Access Key or a relative one supplying a ParentFolder or ParentId.

-AccessKeyName and -AccessKeyDescription are required parameters.



1. Add an Access Key that allows unknown device authentication, specifies a Default device folder to be Support (folder must exist) and moves the newly installed devices to this folder.


New-TSTMGMTAccessKey -AccessKeyName '\Access Keys\Support Department' -AccessKeyDescription 'Access Key to use with Support Dept. devices' -DefaultDeviceFolderName '\Devices\Support' -EnableMoveDeviceOnInstall -AllowAutoAdd






Fully qualified or relative name of the AccessKey to create

Type: String
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Description of the AccessKey to create

Type: String
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The GUID of the folder the AccessKey is to be created in (only required if AccessKeyName is not fully qualified)

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



A folder object in which the Access Key is to be created (only required if Access Key is a relative path)

Type: ThinScale.Management.DataObjects.Folder
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: Yes



Sets the Access Key to disabled when created

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Allows devices to be added if they do not exist when connecting via this AccessKey

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The GUID of the folder devices will be added to if they do not exist when connecting via this AccessKey

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If multiple DefaultDeviceFolders are found with the same name, the first retrieved will be used otherwise the call will fail

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Enable devices to be moved to the default folder during authentication

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No




Enable devices to be moved to the default folder during installation

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Enable devices to connect using the old Site username/password credentials

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If LegacyAuth is enabled, specify the username for authentication

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If LegacyAuth is enabled, specify the password for authentication

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Always create a new device if same machine uses registration key more than once

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device NOT found try to identify machine by MAC Address

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device NOT found try to identify machine by SID

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device IS found verify device is unique by MAC

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device IS found verify device is unique by MAC

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The interface ID returned by a previously successful call to Connect-TSTMGMTServer. This parameter is only required if you are connected to 2 or more Management Platform instances at the same time. If this parameter is not specified the connection to the last successful call to Connect-TSTMgmtServer will be used.

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The time allowed in milliseconds for the call to complete before it is deemed to have timed out and is aborted

Type: Int32
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



        If the path for the new user does not exist then it will be created

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No





