
Set the security of an object within the Management Platform.

Written by Giuseppe

Last published at: August 20th, 2020

Set the security of an object within the Management Platform



-Objects <IObject[]> [-InheritenceDisabled <bool>] [-AddAce <TSTMGMTAddAce[]>] [-RemoveExisting] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]


-ObjectName <string> [-Force] [-InheritenceDisabled <bool>] [-AddAce <TSTMGMTAddAce[]>] [-RemoveExisting] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]


-ObjectId <guid> [-InheritenceDisabled <bool>] [-AddAce <TSTMGMTAddAce[]>][-RemoveExisting] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]


Set the security of an object within the Management Platform, a new security object can be applied or the existing one can be updated.


1. Add an ACE to the existing security object on the 'Profiles\Powershell' folder

        Set-TSTMGMTObjectSecurity -ObjectName "\Profiles\Powershell" -AddAce $ace1

2. Replace all existing ACE objects with a new ACE on the 'Profiles\Powershell' folder

        Set-TSTMGMTObjectSecurity -ObjectName "\Profiles\Powershell" -AddAce $ace1 -RemoveExisting



The fully qualified name of the object to set the security of

Type: String
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No


An array of objects to set the security of

Type: ThinScale.Management.DataObjects.IObject[]
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: Yes


The GUID of the object to set the security of

Type: Guid
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No


Disabled inheritance on the object, blocking all security from parent objects

Type: Boolean
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


An array of TSTMGMTAddAce objects to apply

Type: ThinScale.Management.Powershell.TSTMGMTAddAce[]
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


Remove all existing ACE objects

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


The interface ID returned by a previously successful call to Connect-TSTMGMTServer. This parameter is only required if you are connected to 2 or more Management Platform instances at the same time. If this parameter is not specified the connection to the last successful call to Connect-TSTMgmtServer will be used.

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


The time allowed in milliseconds for the call to complete before it is deemed to have timed out and is aborted

Type: Int32
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


        If multiple objects are found with the same name, the first retrieved will be used otherwise the call will fail

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



