"Microsoft Office" Profile Collection

Example "Microsoft Office" Profiles for both TK and SRW

Written by Giuseppe

Last published at: December 18th, 2024

Ready to be downloaded are 2 Profiles, 1 for SRW and 1 for TK that the ThinScale's team created as a best practice.

All of our profiles have been tested in a safe and clean environment where no "external" dependencies like domain GPOs, DLPs or other external software would have interfered with the policy.  

Windows was up to date and at the time of the publication, the latest "Microsoft Office" was publicly available on the company website. 

These profiles will have enabled by default all the security features including but not limited to AEP, DPTS and more 


It is always best practice to test these profiles inside your own environment before "Productionising" them.

TK Profile


SRW Profile