
Updates an Access Key's details within the Management Platform

Written by Ines

Last published at: December 14th, 2022

Updates an Access Key's details within the Management Platform.



-AccessKey <AccessKey> [-AccessKeyName <string>] [-AccessKeyDescription <string>] [-RegenerateRegistrationKey] [-RegenerateKey1] [-RegenerateKey2] [-Disable] [-Enable] [-AllowAutoAdd] [-DisallowAutoAdd] [-DefaultDeviceFolderId <guid>] [-DefaultDeviceFolderName <string>] [-ForceDeviceFolder] [-EnableMoveDeviceOnAuth] [-DisableMoveDeviceOnAuth] [-EnableMoveDeviceOnInstall] [-DisableMoveDeviceOnInstall] [-EnableLegacyAuth] [-DisableLegacyAuth] [-LegacyAuthUsername <string>] [-LegacyAuthPassword <string>] [-RegistrationKeyCreatesNewDevice] [-UseMACWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-UseSIDWhenDeviceIdNotFound] [-VerifyDeviceIdWithMAC] [-VerifyDeviceIdWithSID] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>] 




Updates properties of an existing Access Key in the Management Platform.



  1. Change the description of the Access Key called ‘Support Department’, Default Device Folder and enable Legacy authentication using SupportAdmin username and Support password.
        Get-TSTMGMTAccessKey -KeyName '\Access Keys\Support Department' | Set-TSTMGMTAccessKey -AccessKeyDescription 'Support AK' -DefaultDeviceFolderName '\Devices\SRW' -EnableLegacyAuth -LegacyAuthUsername 'SupportAdmin' -LegacyAuthPassword 'Support'


2. Disable the Access Key called Support Department

       Get-TSTMGMTAccessKey -KeyName '\Access Keys\Support Department' | Set-TSTMGMTAccessKey -Disable





Fully qualified or relative name of the AccessKey to create

Type: String
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Description of the AccessKey to create

Type: String
Required: Yes
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Generate a new registration key. The previous registration key will no longer be valid for new devices connecting.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Generate a new Key1 for existing devices. Existing devices will receieve this key the next time they connect if they still have a valid Key2.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Generate a new Key2 for existing devices. Existing devices will receieve this key the next time they connect if they still have a valid Key1.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Disable the AccessKey.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Enable the AccessKey.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Allows devices to be added if they do not exist when connecting via this AccessKey

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Prevent devices being added if they do not exist when connecting via this AccessKey.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The GUID of the folder devices will be added to the access Key.

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The fully qualified name of the folder devices will be added to the Access Key.

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If multiple DefaultDeviceFolders are found with the same name, the first retrieved will be used otherwise the call will fail

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Enable devices to be moved to the default folder during authentication

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No




Enable devices to be moved to the default folder during installation

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Prevent devices to be moved to the default folder during authentication.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No




Disable devices to be moved to the default folder during installation.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Enable devices to connect using the old Site username/password credentials

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If LegacyAuth is enabled, specify the username for authentication

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



If LegacyAuth is enabled, specify the password for authentication

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Disable devices from connecting with the old Site username/password credentials.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



Always create a new device if same machine uses registration key more than once

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device NOT found try to identify machine by MAC Address

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device NOT found try to identify machine by SID

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device IS found verify device is unique by MAC

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



When device IS found verify device is unique by MAC

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The interface ID returned by a previously successful call to Connect-TSTMGMTServer. This parameter is only required if you are connected to 2 or more Management Platform instances at the same time. If this parameter is not specified the connection to the last successful call to Connect-TSTMgmtServer will be used.

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



The time allowed in milliseconds for the call to complete before it is deemed to have timed out and is aborted

Type: Int32
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



        If the path for the new user does not exist then it will be created

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No





