Machine Service Common Errors

Learn how to quickly identify and troubleshoot common issues on the Machine Service logs.

Written by Matija

Last published at: September 30th, 2024


This article will cover and train you to troubleshoot the logs from the Secure Remote Worker product. Many concepts apply to the ThinKiosk product; remember, if you have an error severity, there is a high possibility you have an issue.



The newest information on the file is from the bottom, which means the top is old information from the *.txt file. You can always follow the date/time as well. 

The logs called MachineInfo.log_old means the TSTService.exe has been restarted or the computer. The service will rename the current file to .log_old and start a new one, so consider when you look up errors if you need to check the previous file. 





Error , , ReadConnectionConfiguration, Failed to read management server connection detatils : Invalid management server uri/credentials


→ The application can't register to your management server.

→ Verify your management server URI is correct and can be accessible from the browser.
→ Accessing your MGMT URI from the browser ensures the certificate is not expired. 
→ Check if you miss a typo or add spaces on the URL or Registration Key field.
→ Check if your Access Key is correct.
→ Check if your SCI (Single Click Installer) configuration is correct on the ThinScale Portal.
→ Check if your deployment script is correct on the SCCM (ThinKiosk).


Error , ,AttachVirtualVolume ,"Exception: System.Exception: Failed to attach VHD. Error : 0x20
   at ThinScale.Core.VirtualDisk.AttachVHDX(IntPtr vhdHandle, String& physicalDiskPath, String& volumeName)
   at a0.a(VVI A_0, Boolean A_1, String A_2)"
Error , ,CreatePersonaDisk  ,DualPersona : HE DP Virtual Disk not assigned
Error ,  ,PipeCallbackInit  ,Failed to enable DualPersona

Error ,  ,PipeCallbackInit  ,"Exception in Pipecallback: System.Exception: Failed to enable DualPersona
   at ThinKiosk.ServicesCore.StartupHandler.j(String A_0)"   

→ The application can't launch because the Virtual Disk is missing.

→ Check if the Virtual Disk (Dual Persona or Temporary Storage) is assigned to the folder and if the size matches the settings configured on the profile. Please check the KB Management Console Virtual Disks.
→ It's possible that certain 3rd party antivirus software may interfere.  If one is present, please review our whitelisting recommendations:
for 7.x versions
for 8.x versions
→ Also check the rest of the log for Network Related Issues (please see below) because if there is a client-side network issue, it's possible the download of the disk is not completing successfully




Information, CI, SignalR, Failed to start connection. Error getting negotiation response from 'https://YOUR_URI/tstmgmt/hub/device'. Error

Error ,CI, _hubConnection_Closed, Hub connection closed due to error: System.OperationCanceledException: Reconnect retries have been exhausted after 5 failed attempts and 01:51:43.0101132 elapsed. Disconnecting.
Warning, CI, _hubConnection_Reconnecting, "Hub reconnecting: System.TimeoutException: Server timeout (30000,00ms) elapsed without receiving a message from the server."

Error, CI, _hubConnection_Closed, Hub connection closed due to error: System.OperationCanceledException: Reconnect retries have been exhausted after 5 failed attempts and 00:00:42.1306363 elapsed. Disconnecting.


→ The application can't communicate with your management server. 

→ Verify the communication between the endpoint and your management console. If you need assistance, please reach out to your Network Admin. 





Error ,  ,VerifyInstallationDirectory ,Unauthorised binary : C:\Program Files (x86)\SRW\chat.exe
ThinScale ,Error ,  ,PipeCallbackInit ,"Exception in Pipecallback: System.Exception: Error Code : 10
   at x.c()
   at ThinKiosk.ServicesCore.StartupHandler.j(String A_0)"
ThinScale ,Information , ,SPInit_Closed ,Init has closed

→ An unauthorized file has been added to the ThinScale folder (chat.exe).

→ The logs will report the extra file not belonging to the Secure Remote Worker installation folder, verified by our manifesto. Please report the extra file to your IT security team. Removing the unidentified files will allow the application to run. 



Always have the AEP (Application Execution Prevention) enabled during the session. Please read more instructions about how to get it set up in your profile on KB Application Execution Prevention and Process Identity Best Practice.